iCASA - Computer Assisted Semen Analysis

        • A combination of hardware and software components to calculate
          the semen analysis parameters (count, motility, and morphology).
        • Microscope, CCD camera, head, video cables, video capture unit, and up to date computer
          with windows XP or later
        • Huge database to organize data
            o Each case has basic data (name, age, etc) and contains several studies
            o Each study has a date with parameters, images, videos, and report
            o A searching tool to retrieve and review cases easily
            o A statistical tool to followup parameters values of studies with charts
            o Backup & Restore procedures
        • Video stream receiver
            o Capture still images to calculate morphology
            o Record videos to calculate count, and motility
        • Sample calculation
            o Case study can be saved to be calculated later
            o Automatic count, and motility calculation (one click)
            o Automatic head morphology calculation (one click)
            o Parameters can be manually updated
            o Sperms can be manually updated
        • Reporting
            o Reporting tool with WHO standards supported by images